Our Ethical Policy
We are committed to research that makes the world a better, safer, more exciting place for children to live in. We’re passionate about getting kids’ input and believe that young people should be consulted and listened to on matters that apply to them.
Having fun is central to childhood and we believe that all research should be carried out in an enjoyable, relevant and non-intrusive style. Sherbert places kids at the centre of everything we do – whether it be designing a methodology, picking a place to hold research or writing a discussion guide.
Parents are all important too. They are the first ones to be contacted on every project – no exceptions. All parents are aware of what we talk to their kids about and provide their full consent.
We work with child-friendly recruiters – skilled in finding the ‘right kids’ for research – those who feel comfortable and confident at conversing. If you have any ethical concerns about your research, we’re more than happy to chat to you about our protective policies and procedures.
“The child’s thinking is neither more limited nor inferior to that of an adult, it is different. The child thinks with feelings and not with the intellect, that is why communication is so complicated — and speaking with children is a difficult art.”
Janusz Korczak, 1920